MLK mantra

 We can't hate, diminish, or characterize a person simply because of the state they were born into. Color of their skin. Not unless they are both consciously aware of an advantage and exploiting it. 

We as black people don't want this done to us, so we must not do it to others. As MLK Jr. said, judge each *individual* by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin, the actions or attitudes of their forebearers, their families, their neighbors, or those who look like them.

And remember those who are lashing out the most are those who are most insecure and frightened, which means they're the ones most in need of being met with love rather than a mirroring or return of their hate. Hard to do, but necessary and proven to work. Love wins. Oppressors succeed for a time through sheer might, but when their motives are impure they have no path to ultimate victory.
