Calling Right Wrong and Wrong Right

 That's when you know a society has fallen. We have truly gotten to that place, where we have perfected the art of justification. For the most blatant example, look at what the right has done to the image of Christ. There are now millions of people n the US identifying as Christian, invoking the name of the man they allege is their Lord, and displaying beliefs and behaviors that are clearly not Christ-like, that are the very antithesis of true Christianity. And they are so far gone they will allow a man who can't even quote a bible verse to use that bible as a prop for a cheap, self-serving stunt and make a mockery of the religion they claim to held dear and be the supposed basis of their lives. That is madness. justification and blindness to that level of hypocrisy is difficult to fathom for those on the outside looking in. It's the kind of madness that one can only see objectively by pulling back, taking a lot of time to quietly reflect.

This is a biggie: Being so full of bitterness, pettiness, and hatred that one can't even pause from backbiting, ridicule, and scorn to allow others who are hurting to mourn. Does it get any uglier than that?
